Why Does It Burn To Pee When I Get My Period Is It Normal To Burn When You Pee While On Your Period?

Is it normal to burn when you pee while on your period? - why does it burn to pee when i get my period

Sometimes it happens. I do not know if every time I get my period and never think about it. It may inflame.

You know how it burns when you have a bladder infection? It feels that it is not too bad. I'm not sure why this is so. This does not apply if I have my period.

Is this normal? Does it happen to someone else?


Pixie said...

I think it could happen if the buffer is too large for your flow .. try using tampons when streams of children .. thats when you clear.

Harley said...

need to drink water and cranberry juice, May, and is not normal that we are strangers ....

luvme4me... said...

not to pass it, but U should talk to your doctor about this

Miranda W said...

It is perfectly normal, do not worry.

Caliente... said...

Perhaps you have a urinary tract infection. Yes, definitely take the cranberry juice and more water or take AZO or something. Perhaps it is that B / C is clean, but if it does, if it is not in his mandate, then normal. But still go to a gynecologist to check just to be.

Caliente... said...

Perhaps you have a urinary tract infection. Yes, definitely take the cranberry juice and more water or take AZO or something. Perhaps it is that B / C is clean, but if it does, if it is not in his mandate, then normal. But still go to a gynecologist to check just to be.

Suki said...

I would say that this is not normal. My suggestion would be to talk to your doctor. This right is not infringed on the right just to be .......

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