Cervical Mucous Before Period Do You Get Cervical Mucous Before Or After Ovulation?

Do you get cervical mucous before or after ovulation? - cervical mucous before period

When you start to CM, it means the egg is ready to be released, or has already been released? And if earlier, as many are beginning days before the release of the egg?


Face T said...

The MC is later, to trigger ovulation and perhaps even one or two days.

In our efforts to the TTC, the disappearance of the CM and the counting of days in the cycle (eg there are 16 or 20 days) was, as we do not have the dancing baby.

mamatoha... said...

As a rule before. CM shows that your body is trying to create an environment to make Spermy. Looking protein CM.

jachooz said...

I give you my standard answer ....... Take a book with the title "the acquisition of your fertility" by Toni Weschler. Really helps you understand your body and cycle and erase all the myths that women believe that their bodies.I but like all myths of ovulation and conception in circulation until we have tried one years with no luck. My doctor recommended the book and that was during the next month! It turned out that my time was wrong and not in the middle of my cycle like most women ovulate.
I will be in November 40 ... and I have my 4th March!

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