Policy Cancellation Latter Can Direct TV Charge Me A Cancellation Policy?

Can Direct TV charge me a cancellation policy? - policy cancellation latter

Me and my Direct TV has Cable providers May subscribed Unfortunately I am a poor student and can not pay for cable (I have no time for TV and my TV is 12 "or something like that its not worth it anyway). Direct TV wants to charge up to $ 200 for the cancellation of a dollar. They said they had received a "verbal agreement" for the cable 1 years. Can you? Is there a way out of this situation?


Laura W said...

Yup, you can do. You accept the terms of the contract, and you are responsible. But consider yourself lucky ... I had the directive on television a little over 2 years and tried to cancel costs $ 400 in my service. It is a total bs. We consider a class action ... :-D

☆•¸Girl Overdue¸•☆ said...

Yes, it's terrible, but if you services such as a cell phone or cable or something in one of these things in small characters stay with you if you subscribe to the service .. Frankly, if it can not pay a cancellation fee and then pay not easy. but we are sending invoices, and eventually the conversation only to its paid -

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