Fitness Equipment Advice Fitness Advice, Please???

Fitness advice, please??? - fitness equipment advice

I seem to see the results and not really enjoying my training to ... And I just wanted to see if someone can help ...
This is my week of fitness:
Tuesday, 7-8pm: Marian art mixed discipline (defense with high cardiovascular)
Clock 7-8:30 Friday: 45 minutes Fitness CV and 45 minutes weight machines (bike, X-trainer and rower)
Sunday 9-10:30 Clock: Gym (as above)

The rest of the week I workout at home (15-30 minutes): Push-ups, abdominal work, weight, etc. (something that you do not need any exercise equipment or can be made in the family) ...

And I do not seem to go nowhere ... No real weight loss or changes in body shape ... It was in the gym and at home things for a year and a martial arts a few months ...


grizzler... said...

It appears that you aim to slim for a physical bound in comparison with the muscular frame. The best advice I can offer is his routine mix. You must follow the same routine of not more than 8 weeks, while your body is accustomed to how it works.

At a meeting of the CV, the worst thing you can do is continue to plod along at the same rate as for a few minutes. If you run, run one minutes, then try to run fast or sprint for a minute that among more than jog and so on, with the same shirt, difficult for the 250m, the 250m and so soft. .. is an excellent opportunity to train, burning calories and your body actually is.

In the gym, try from one machine to another without interruption to jump, but not in the same muscle group. (eg 3 sets the bar loops Bell was suspended with 3 sets of skull crushers, triceps, or perhaps another exercise). If you set the tone, but not really build, test, change the 12 + repetitions in each series with a slightly lower weight during the first 8 weeks, then more for the next 8, which increases the weight to build up but at least representatives of 6 -- 10in each set. In the next game more REP, you can lift a little more and tone should really show themselves.

Be sure to keep good form with dumbbells, which helps prevent damage to the tendons and core. To try a new way what pyramids. Determine the maximum / double standard EPR you can do to move, then put it in weight. (In other words, the bar-bell curl 50 kg, then 40 kg, 30 kg, etc ... by the time your muscles are lifting 10 kg will fight to the end of a repetition). After all, did not want to drone, but I know I said made a lot of samples, but generally works primarily muscle failure muscle fatigue and with a healthy diet, the difference should show very soon.

Do not be discouraged, it is perhaps appropriate that the skeletal muscle is the first building and the rest will come with patience.

65Cobra said...

Without knowing what kind of body would, I suppose the biggest problem is in your diet. You can work all day, but if you do not eat properly, then nothing happens. Do some research on the body of construction plans, because it best to cut fat from your body and feed your muscles, and still eat as much as hunger.

If this is not the case, then it may be a question that you could not push hard enough. The same routine every day now defunct, and you're wasting your time. Begin to push your limits, what to do, your body and modify your routine with new exercises and styles to see the situation.

kherome said...

You do not mention your diet? Their food is likely that the reason why you can not see the desired changes.

Protein as lean chicken, turkey and fish! I think they should increase to at least three times a week. If you want muscle, you have fewer heart, more strength training. Good luck!

Scotty said...

Are you a good meal. You must have the right to fuel muscles. Good luck

monizk said...

keep the martial arts because it helps with heart. try your exercises at home on Tuesday, Thur / Friday / Sunday and make your workout routine Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and sat down. May still running and cycling cardio 2 days a week and a ladder on a hill to 2 days per week. Weight change your routine up to a week all. For example, do not exercise, which are themselves necessary. and make sure that you are on one body part at a time.

For more results fidelio go to the gym every day and exercise at home on weekends

Karen Elizabeth :) :) said...

I'm trying to work 3 times a week. At first I thought it would be difficult, because I choose not workout partner. In the last 3 MNTH I work for myself. To listen to music .... Get an iPod, and when the weariness of his it.Take change the music class. Enter your daily exercise and check in a few weeks, and then change your workout a little. Free weights are my favorites. Do you have a protein shake after every workout, too. To turn MMMMMM Delicious and what better way fat into muscle proteins, which ..:):)

Karen Elizabeth :) :) said...

I'm trying to work 3 times a week. At first I thought it would be difficult, because I choose not workout partner. In the last 3 MNTH I work for myself. To listen to music .... Get an iPod, and when the weariness of his it.Take change the music class. Enter your daily exercise and check in a few weeks, and then change your workout a little. Free weights are my favorites. Do you have a protein shake after every workout, too. To turn MMMMMM Delicious and what better way fat into muscle proteins, which ..:):)

Alex said...

This is not just about feeding your exercise. If you want to build muscle Protien were thrown into the mix.

Alex said...

This is not just about feeding your exercise. If you want to build muscle Protien were thrown into the mix.

sarge927 said...

Two things:

(1) It is necessary to adapt the training regime. At the beginning you are strength training no more than 45 minutes per session need to three times a week (about every two days) you give your muscles adequate recovery of the muscles of the building, without exaggeration. Secondly, do not do cardio and strength training on the same day in the same session - the last two training sessions are less efficient. Finally, make the martial arts class with the exception, not the heart for 30 minutes at a time - more than that, and runs the risk of burning muscle. Try at a higher intensity for 30 minutes instead of exercise. If you want to lose more fat, try high intensity interval training (HIIT). A typical HIIT training is as follows: make your warm-up and stretching followed by 30 to 60 seconds to sprint from 60-120 seconds, the pace of "low" for the year. It's a game. Start with 8-10 sets and work your way up to the training of 30 minutes.

(2) your diet or you will break it. Not only do you have to control your calorie intake must alsoThey eat the right foods. Since you are very active, multiply your weight by 15, you get a rough idea of how many calories you should eat per day to maintain your current weight. So, if you want to lose a pound a week, cutting only 500 calories per day. WARNING: Do not exceed 1,800 calories per day - which is a starvation diet, and really screw up your metabolism. What is the significance of what to eat to much is clear - avoid fast food, fast food, soft drinks and other things with processed flour, sugar, partially or fully hydrogenated oils, corn syrup, high fructose. Instead, choose lean meats, eggs, nuts, fruits and vegetables, whole grain bread / cereal / pasta and low fat dairy products. I insist, eggs and nuts, because they are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which is good for you. Your body needs help to metabolize certain vitamins, lose weight, and also helps you maintain your cholesterol levels if necessary. Olive oil is also a good source of this fat to be used as olive oil, where wWhenever possible.

Good luck!

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