Toddler Excessive Thirst What Could Be The Cause Of My Toddler's Excessive Thirst?

What could be the cause of my toddler's excessive thirst? - toddler excessive thirst

My daughter is 15 months thirsty all the time. Let me tell you a cup of juice, milk, water, etc. and the cup at a time to drink. He also tried a drink for all drinks all the time. My mother said that this may be diabetes, and there are two sides of his family. Is there anything else that could do this? The temperature of the body seems always hot and perspire a lot, but his father was, and remains so. We live in Houston and the time was over 100 degrees, so the reason could be that? I just wanted to know if I would call the doctor.


wondermo... said...

Sweat is also a sign of diabetes. I would recommend it checked out, especially with a family history. On the other hand, some children prefer to eat more than drink.
A simple blood test is all you need.

lorien_g... said...

Take her to the doctor! In diabetes, at least be excluded. There is no maximum age, in which diabetes can take. It is expected that only the heat, but if treatment begins early, the better.

Good luck.

bibsian said...

Listen to your mother !!!!!

It is a classic early sign of diabetes

But even if it is not just for peace of mind, you must go to the doctor

Hope its not diabetes, his only hope of warmth

all the best

dodol said...

It could be sweat.

But ... It took a lot of sugar or salt? Too many of them), especially salt (it will be very thirsty.

If your thirst is not properly (or thirsty, even if the weather is cool, would, etc.) to agree with the first answer and go to visit a doctor.

Patricia S said...

Like diabetes, the mother, the first thing that comes to mind suggested. Of course, it could be heat, but do not assumptons, ask your pediatrician for a blood test track to do very soon.
I hope this is just the time higher.

armyfire... said...

The niece of my friend had the same symptoms that you describe, and as type 1 diabetes. This would immediately see a doctor. Good luck and God bless.

♥Mommy to 19 month old Jacob♥ said...

each time seems a bit strange that you should call your child's doctor.

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