Early Stage Chicken Pox Symptoms For Chicken Pox?

Symptoms for Chicken Pox? - early stage chicken pox

My children, aged 13 to 7 years, both have been vaccinated against chickenpox. Apparently, chicken pox is going around the area where I live. A colleague has just discovered that her daughter chickenpox and a woman who said she found they are 2 nieces and took the vaccine. My 7-year-old has a fever and said he felt obliged to stop, it was the other symtons. It could be that the fight against something else, but what symtons chickenpox, what am I looking for) in an early stage (in addition to breaking the skin?


Jason Homan said...

Hello Dazed and Confused,
If your children aged 13 to 7 years, both have been vaccinated against chickenpox - you can without fear. The vaccine is very safe: about 5% of the children, the vaccine rash or fever get, but no deaths were reported in May 2006.

Chickenpox is a common name for varicella simple, classic, one of the childhood infectious diseases caught and survived by most children.

Chickenpox is by the varicella-zoster virus occurs. It begins with mild fever and characteristic places in the bottom two or three waves, mainly in the body and head, instead of the hands and itching more and more raw materials smallpox (variola), small wounds that heal without scarring is at its maximum. Please http://www.askedweb.com/askedweb Article/ Chicken ...

Second varicella infections occur in immunocompetent persons, but are rare and seldom serious.
Jason Homan

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