Newest Dvd Releases What Is A Really Good Site That Lists New DVD Releases?

What is a really good site that lists new DVD releases? - newest dvd releases

I want a site that shows the new film and television on DVD. Preferably, the site also offers user reviews and movie reviews and a section for the upcoming (yet unreleased) movies and TV series. The site should be in North America. I prefer a site that has a clean and easy to read, do not require the search to find what I want.

10 points for the best side!


BountyJa... said...

hotty said...

Walmart trying to DVDs are always at the right time and you can order online or just go to the store search. In addition, you can cast and crew, and what the film is essentially about. and if you can find in movies Walmart are still about $ 4 Peep that the film is about a week

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