Blog Adult Key What Are The Rules Regarding Posting Adult Content On A Blog Site?

What are the rules regarding posting adult content on a blog site? - blog adult key

I started a blog and on the first page I have a front view of a male protagonist, as is my blog on the first scene. The rest of the blog entries will be on what comes to mind. Am I some kind of Internet law to break to do this because it's not a porn site? If the photo will be removed from my site?


Messenger R said...

If visitors perceive the content to be offensive, they can inform you and your image or the content of the blogs will be removed by the management team at Yahoo.

Good luck to you

kee said...

Normally, the rules of blog sites have mature content, so it's something you should put them together or seek their support pages.

If you talk to Yahoo! 360, then the rules are the following:

You need the Yahoo Terms of Service ( ... and in particular Article 15f) and the Guidelines for the Yahoo services like Yahoo! 360:
360 Guidelines: ( ...) and
360 Personal Image Profile Guidelines ( ...).

There are parts of the 360 that are always visible (even for those who ... does not mean that government budgets 360 to search engines like Google): a picture of your personal profile, the training module and friends. This is partly why all content mature / adult must be limited to this area blog in the controls for adult content. Adult content contains text and images) (sexually suggestive half-naked or naked.

NOTE: If you do not follow guidelines for adult content, you breached the 360 directives, which couldDo open your page in order to abuse reports, notices of violation and the possible closure of the entire account. There are guidelines for the protection of young visitors (friends or not), in 18 years. If you are 18 years old, you should not mature content, may lead to the loss of access as well.

The blog is the only area that has controls for adult content. Configure all your blog entries or specific content to maturity. Regardless of whether or not your blog is just for friends or for, or how people around the 360:
- You can blog settings by clicking on the "Settings" link at the top and click on "Blog settings" or left open, while on "My Blog" by clicking on "Edit Blog Settings In the top center of the window 360th If the entire blog now, you always go back to previous posts and check the boxes that contain adult or adult content.
- For each card, click the "edit" link to click a topic, click Options "link" and check the adult content, then re-save.

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