Sclerosis Of The Liver Is Liver Sclerosis A Genetic Disorder?

Is liver sclerosis a genetic disorder? - sclerosis of the liver

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norton g said...

Liver cirrhosis is usually not a genetic disease.
The causes of cirrhosis are diverse.
Although most often associated with alcohol abuse, liver cirrhosis can be associated with various causes. Almost all chronic liver disease to cirrhosis can. The list includes some of the many reasons:
Alcoholic liver disease - most common cause in the U.S.
The chronic viral hepatitis B, C and D,
Chronic autoimmune hepatitis --
Inherited metabolic disorders (eg hemochromatosis, Wilson's disease)
Chronic bile duct (eg PBC)
Chronic heart failure
Parasitic infections (eg schistosomiasis)
Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (liver inflammation, which can be caused by fatty liver)
Prolonged exposure to toxins or drugs

ragavan n said...

I do not think there is a genetic disease.

ragavan n said...

I do not think there is a genetic disease.

ragavan n said...

I do not think there is a genetic disease.

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