Penises Of The Animal Kingdom Why Do Chinese People Eat Animal Penises And Testes?

Why do Chinese people eat animal penises and testes? - penises of the animal kingdom

Like dogs and is very expensive, the tiger?

You eat pieces haram in Islam?


I ♥ Šimon (Angelina Johnson) said...

Maybe it's their culture, or try something new.

♥Ello ♥ Vee ♥ E♥ said...

The Chinese are not the only animals that eat penis and balls ... Many countries are eating. In Jamaica, they're eating cow balls, even in Haiti, Spain, USA ...

IDK about dogs, but when one is hungry, eat. I do not see, eat what is wrong with Fido, if one dies of hunger or any other animal for that matter.

Chuck Norris said...

The Americans also eat the testicles. Anyone heard of "Rocky Mountain oysters." They are bull testicles.

One reason could be that there are many poor rural Chinese, and make greater use of all parts of animals (eg dogs) for sale.

Shi said...

1, feed a tiger is illegal in China.
2 Not only the Chinese eat these things
3 drawings dog!

Kevin Colts 16-2 SuperBowl :o said...

Some animals are not food in other countries and others --

must be respected

Kevin Colts 16-2 SuperBowl :o said...

Some animals are not food in other countries and others --

must be respected

Kevin Colts 16-2 SuperBowl :o said...

Some animals are not food in other countries and others --

must be respected

amanda said...

fuckedup what to say one thing. a bit like saying that white men have little *****. simply not true

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