Influenza More Condition_treatment Why Is Influenza More Common During The Colder Seasons?

Why is Influenza more common during the colder seasons? - influenza more condition_treatment

As the school at the meeting, people tend to gather at home and not outside. It is therefore possible to catch flu in the summer and winter, the virus is still there. It is much easier for him to pass from person to person in a controlled environment like a school or office building. Inside, many people get the same things, and pass germs from one element to another or to something else. Such as desks, doorknobs, pens, something .......


Tech said...

All these answers are correct, the people come together closer and closer during the winter, and that's true.

However, there is also a very credible research indicating that the flu virus more adaptable and virulence in the colder months. It may be a way to spread disease?

I think the reason is clear, but the survey was clear, and I have a link.

The NIH conducted (National Institutes of Health) and analyzed in the study.


G G said...

Cuz its cool and more people to stay at home instead of more fresh air. It is cleaner, the life in the air cuz everything in one place, and the clean air outside the car in most cases .. Also at its most ill commentators at work and at school with his cousin in a small town and many people not to the doc cuz they have money and go to work to go when he is sick cuz they need money, a very bad combination, people really should stay at home when he was ill! but people will fall THW in the store, and if you have a close friend who can help (a city itself has much to do), then 2 weeks replaced cuz ill, even if you think your at the top of his illness, The sympotoms gone, but you can still move and up to 2 weeks until his return sympotoms begin to transfer, but still in the air. The best way to stay healthy is to break dance. eat at least 2500 days CAL. Muscle weighs more than fat, do not try to lose weight, eat healthy fruits (3-10 serv.) And Vegetable (3-10serv) and only drink water 36-100 cups, meats (0 --10serv Dairy) (0-10serv) bread types (3-10), exersize hard, sweat, breath, pain, burning, tired exersize when u sleep 14 hours, then 3 to 4 hours if the 8 hours sleep, then for 9 -10 hours exersize, shower 2-14 times, clean mouth 3-14 times, the goal to be strong and healthy! ... I have the simulator, I must eat at least 3500 CAL. ...
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Baby Slayer!!! said...

Because most people are within closer to one, making it easier to spread the virus.

csbiup said...

People are stuck at home, and maybe our diet is not as good with fruit and vegetables out of season.

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